Physics and chemistry of nanostructures  

1. Introduction: nanoscience and technology: what, why and how - observation, measurement and manipulation at the nanoscale. 2. Concepts of bottom-up nanotechnology: syntheses of colloidal nanocrystals - self-assembly as a construction principle. 3. Physical properties of nanoscale materials: electronic energy levels in nanostructures - quantum confinement - optical properties of quantum dots. 4. Quantum transport: tunneling - single-electron tunneling and Coulomb-blockade - tunneling spectroscopy - electron counting - the quantization of conductance. 5. Nanoscale devices: the single-electron transistor. FINAL competences: 1 Students can explain the rationale of nanoscience and technology and discuss the main 1 trends in bottom-up nanotechnology. 2 Students understand colloidal nanocrystals in terms of synthesis, stability and processing. 3 Students have insight in self-assembly as a bottom-up approach to nanostructures. 4 Students can explain why material properties may depend on particle size. 5 Students can relate quantum confinement to the physical properties of semiconductor 1 nanocrystals. 6 Students understand quantum transport by tunneling. 7 Students can relate Coulomb-blockade to single electron tunneling and understand the 1 functioning of devices based in this effect. 8 Students can discuss about the quantization of conductance. 9 Understand can read, assess and discuss current scientific literature on colloidal 1 nanocrystals.
Physics and chemistry of nanostructures

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